Apr 17, 2011

いつも何度でも / Always, No Matter How Many Times

*the song starts after 5:28 / 歌は5:28から
*videotaped in 06/08/2008 / ※2008年8月6日放送

Nataliya Gudziy, Ukrainian singer and  Bandura player.
A major theme of Natalka's work is the Chornobyl tragedy of 26th April, 1986, which she witnessed as a 6 years old children. 
Chornobyl has been a big part of her life ever since. 
Natalka's hometown was Prypiat, only 3.5km away from the plant, became one of the villages in the shadow of Chornobyl.
Her father had worked in the power plant and stayed behind with orders to work on the clean-up. 
He has subsequently become ill. 
She has lived in Japan since 1999. She has become fluent in Japanese, and sings and writes songs in that language, as well as in her native Ukrainian.
It almost has been 25 years since the tragedy of Chornobyl.
Let's listen her voice, and rethink.

Over 60 years ago on this day, August 6 a tragedy occurred in Hiroshima. 
Like the tragedy that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the tragedy which struck in Chernobyl over 20 years ago is still not over. 
The nuclear power plant at Chernobyl experienced a meltdown 22 years ago.
I was 6 years old at the time. Since my father worked at the plant, all of us family lived a mere 3.5 km from the plant. 
The accident happened in the middle of the night so most people were unaware that anything serious had occurred. 
For that reason, life went on as normal the following day. 
Children went to school and mothers took their young children out to play outside the whole day. 
As a result, they were exposed all day to invisible radiation.
We weren't informed of the accident until the next day. 
We were told not to worry as it was not a serious accident, but that to be on the safe side, evacuate. 
No need to take your suitcases, we were told, just evacuate the city for 3 days. 
So we did as we were told and left the city without packing our bags. 
Nonetheless, we didnt return in 3 days, a month, or 20 years.
The forests we children had played in every day as well as the houses full of memories were destroyed by the radiation and buried in the dirt. 
Today nothing remains. What was once a vibrant city is now dead. 
We didn't just lose our beautiful hometown in that horrific accident, but many people also died. 
Many of my friends have died. Just kids at the time, many of us have grown up, married, and have kids of our own, some of whose health has been adversely affected.
Mankind has forgotten and is making the same mistakes over again. 
Don't forget these tragedies. Don't make the same mistakes.
With this hope in mind, I will sing this lovely and meaningful song for you. 
“Itsumo, nando-demo ("Always, No Matter How Many Times")”.

It’s calling out, somewhere deep within my chest
My heart always wants to dance and dream

The number of my sorrows is countless
But across them, surely I’ll be able to see you again

Every time mistakes repeat, people will
Understand the blue of the simply blue sky
I can see that the path continues endlessly
But my two hands can embrace the light

My calm chest at the time of farewell
My empty body makes me listen carefully

It’s strange to be alive, it’s strange to die
For flowers and wind and towns, everything’s the same

It’s calling out, somewhere deep within my chest
Always, no matter how many times, I’ll sketch my dream

Rather than talking all about the number of my sorrows
I’ll sing softly with the same lips

Always, amidst my locked up memories
I listen to whispers that I don’t want to forget
Even the faces of a mirror shattered into pieces
Reflect new sceneries

The peaceful window of a starting morning
Fills my empty body

I won’t search on the far side of the sea anymore
Because I found in myself
What is shining is always here

"Always, No Matter How Many Times")”.
Ending song for the film "Spirited Away".


呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも心躍る 夢を見たい

かなしみは 数えきれないけれど
その向こうできっと あなたに会える

繰り返すあやまちの そのたび ひとは
ただ青い空の 青さを知る
果てしなく 道は続いて見えるけれど
この両手は 光を抱ける

さよならのときの 静かな胸
ゼロになるからだが 耳をすませる

生きている不思議 死んでいく不思議
花も風も街も みんなおなじ

呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも何度でも 夢を描こう

かなしみの数を 言い尽くすより
同じくちびるで そっとうたおう

閉じていく思い出の そのなかにいつも
忘れたくない ささやきを聞く
こなごなに砕かれた 鏡の上にも
新しい景色が 映される

はじまりの朝の 静かな窓
ゼロになるからだ 充たされてゆけ

海の彼方には もう探さない
輝くものは いつもここに
わたしのなかに みつけられたから


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