Apr 14, 2011

noji chrysanthemum and snow camellia

"Noji Chrysanthemum and Snow Camellia"

After the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 and the Chuetsu Earthquake 2004, when their evacuation lives became long terms,
Hyogo and Niigata Prefectural Police formed a team of female police officers named after flowers.
Their mission to visit as many shelters as possible to "listen the voice of earthquake victims".

Team Noji Chrysanthemum engaged in a picture‐story show and ventriloquism puppet shows,
"We cannot help anything, all we can do is listening and nodding what they say with tears" said in the report back then.
With a support of other prefectures, their team grew to 150 officers, visited 5,000 locations, 760,000people's stories and they "teared and encouraged by the locals who strived to live positively".

After the Tohoku Earthquake this March, there have been many police women coming from all over Japan to patrol each shelters. Their activity is wide and everything like "taking a walk with a local lady who has a difficulty on walking".
the tires of their patrol car wear out in a day because of its bad road environment, and the filter of air conditioner were blocked up from the dust of broken buildings.

We heard from Iwaki-cuty, Fukushima prefecture that their cherry blossom had bloomed this year for the first time, and its local school children in shelters started new term.
The scenery had dramatically changed, but there again a new spring season arriving in the area.
Noji Chrysanthemum flowers even in the sandy coastal road and Snow Camellia blooms after enduring under the heavy snow of winter.
The areas once swept away from Tsunami, where we could only stand aghast, would surely bloom.

Shunshuu corner, Nikkei Newspaper





日本経済新聞 春秋欄

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